Entries from June 2018 ↓

BTTBM May/June Update

Fresh Start Promo


The next time I tape new programs of A Fresh Start in Pigeon Forge, I will get a new promo picture made other than the one above, which was taped for a Christmas program of A Fresh Start.


The first week of April, I developed double vision, where there were two of everything side by side. If I covered up either eye, I could see normal out of either eye, and thankfully I could see okay up close for reading and using my laptop. I went through several tests and physically everything body wise was well. I did not feel out of synch in any way other than the double vision. I was eventually referred to an opthamologist. He told me he was seeing more of it and that it would clear up on its own. He said to put a piece of Scotch tape vertically over one of my eyeglasses lenses and I would be able to drive. Remarkably, it worked in clearing up the double vision although it did distort the distance some. After three weeks I was able to start driving without the tape. And, I can see clearly now!

I was able to say the first couple of Sundays after I had the double vision that I preached to twice as many people as normal!


All 134 original programs of A Fresh Start are now available for viewing at the link below plus many music videos of songs Melody and I have sung as solos, as well as a couple of others. It also includes the most recent songs she and Joey recorded separately and together. Editing is being done now on four new programs, which will feature Joey and/or Melody singing on all four programs. For the messages on three of those programs, we are going to show in three parts the first message I preached after I left Central Baptist Church in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to start what is now Back To The Basics Ministries. The title of the sermon is “When God Says Go” and I preached it at Wallace Memorial Baptist Church in Knoxville.


Because of your generous support we have now been able to air over 1300 broadcasts of A Fresh Start since November 2009. It costs $187.50 a week for airing the program on WVLR Knoxville and $200.00 a week for airing the program on WTWV Memphis. Three of the five broadcasts of the program each week are in Prime Time, on Thursday (8:00 p.m.) and Saturday (7:00 p.m.) in Knoxville and Wednesday (8:30 p.m.) Memphis. To be able to tape, edit, and produce four new programs of A Fresh Start costs $1000.00. Without your financial support I could not do it. Thank you for helping me to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus to take the Gospel to all the world, and especially our corner of the world. And, through A Fresh Start to help those who need to make a fresh start in life of some kind to do so from a biblical perspective.

Please send your tax-deductible donation to: Back To The Basics Ministries; P.O. Box 32486; Knoxville, TN 37930 or go to www.drbobbymullins.com and click on the Donate link to give online.

“Keep in the Word, on your knees, loving God, loving each other, building godly homes, worshiping together, sharing the faith, supporting the Lord’s work financially, living life abundantly”