Entries from December 2014 ↓

BTTBM December Update

“It’s Time To Get Back To The Basics of Life”
P.O. Box 32486 Knoxville, TN 37930
brobmullins@aol.com / www.drbobbymullins.com
             MY BETHEL “The Three Trees”
at Halle Stadium in Memphis, TN (where I prayed                                                                                                              after jogging most every day from June 1977-June 1981)

THE TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS (Reprinted From The December 2011 BTTBM Update)

One of the most beautiful and moving narratives I have ever heard for a Christmas musical is from the cantata, Noel, Jesus is Born. The musical score was written by Lanny Wolfe, and the narration was composed by the late Bob Benson. Here is a timely excerpt from it that is so relevant to where most of us find our personal circumstances at Christmas:

Well, He [Christ] still comes into a crowded world. It was crowded then, but it’s more crowded now. We lead such busy, jostling, cluttered lives—and they’re even more so at Christmas. We come loaded with bundles of gifts of love for others, but we get impatient and blow our horns at the cars ahead of us. Hardly time enough to buy a tree, we frantically wrap the last of the packages just moments before we’re to tear them open—so we can rush off to somewhere else and back again exhausted.                               
        Here we are at Christmas again—hoping to hear the angels singing, needing a star to follow, really wanting to kneel at a manger. We mean to adore Him with Mary, we do believe with Joseph. We want to worship with the shepherds, our hearts long to rejoice with the wise men—but somehow there isn’t any time.
It is into just such a world the angels come again and again to sing these eloquent, lifegiving words—Jesus is born, Jesus is born.
        Just as those words came and changed a barn filled with cows and straw into a shrine, a hillside dotted with sheep and shepherds into a cathedral, a sky filled with stars into a message from the Father—so they come to you, as old as eternity—as fresh as the morning—as simple as a baby—as majestic as a psalm. Warm as a mother’s arms—mighty as God Himself—Jesus is born, Jesus is born.

A recent survey revealed that over 50% of the citizens of this country no longer view the birth of Christ as the most significant emphasis surrounding Christmas. Excuse me! But isn’t that where the reason for this season originated? I mention this statistic because most of us feel that we keep the emphasis upon Jesus at Christmas time. Do we? Evaluate your schedule and see what truly matters the most at Christmas. Every year, I am sensing the worldly side of Christmas crowding more and more into our spiritual worship and service, which is the year long, lifetime result of what this season is truly all about. Don’t let the rush and busyness surrounding Christmas cause you to focus most on the secular side of the Christmas season. Don’t let it cause you to neglect your spiritual duties and responsibilities.
        Keep Christ as the central focus of your Christmas. Take some time every day to go back to that hillside with the shepherds, to rejoice at the manger with Joseph and Mary, and to glory in the good news, the best news, the greatest news the world has ever known and will ever know—Jesus is born, Jesus is risen, Jesus lives, and Jesus will reign forever.


For the All Music Christmas Special 2014 of A Fresh Start I premiered a new song I wrote for Christmas, titled “The Christ Who Makes Christmas”. On this special TV program I offer to give via e-mail a free copy of the sheet music, the soundtrack, and the demo of the song to anyone who requests it. If you would like you to take me up on the offer, please e-mail me at drbobbymullins@aol.com.
Also, I want to give you the opportunity to see the new All Music Christmas Special of A Fresh Start before it airs. Please click on or paste in the following link on your computer internet address/search and it will show the program. Keep in mind, that sometimes when viewing a video on You Tube the quality is not as good as viewing your own DVD of it.



One of my reasons for airing the A Fresh Start TV program was to get the program and a Christian witness into the thousands of hotel/motel rooms and chalets/cabins in the Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge/Smoky Mountains corridor where hundreds of thousands of people vacation and attend conferences each year from all over the United States and the world. With most of the tourists being in the area once a year, they don’t know if a program of A Fresh Start is a new airing or a repeat. So, we usually air four new to eight new programs in a row, then repeat those broadcasts at least once before airing new programs. I am pleased to let you know that the first week of December I did four hours of TV taping each afternoon over two days, which will resulted in eight new programs of A Fresh Start, including the new All Music Christmas Special 2014. One of the new programs is also an all music program featuring songs that I have written. The messages I preached on the other programs, which feature songs on four of those programs that Melody recently recorded, are “Why We Need Revival”,”Living Like You’re Dying”, “Looking Ahead With Great Anticipation”, “Numbering Our Days”, “Overcoming The World” and “A Litmus Test For True Worship”
        The Lord has laid upon my heart some relevant and timely messages to preach on future programs of A Fresh Start regarding key issues of our day that are not only dividing our nation but a cause of conflict and division among Christians. Your continued giving to Back To The Basics Ministries will make it possible for me to proclaim these critical messages through A Fresh Start TV Program.

Your tax-deductible donation may be sent to:

Back To The Basics Ministries P.O. Box 32486 Knoxville, TN 37930

or by clicking on the web site address:

www.drbobbymullins.com and then clicking on to the Donate link

MERRY CHRISTMAS From The Mullins Family – Bro. Bobby, Wanda, Melody, Mallory, Brandon, Megan, and Brantley

Mullins Family 2014Merry Christmas  Christmas 2013  Brantley Christmas 2014 B


Bobby Mullins

“Keep in the Word, on your knees, loving God, loving each other, worshiping together,
building Godly homes, sharing the faith, supporting the Lord’s work financially, living life abundantly.”