My Salvation Story

(My Salvation Story which I shared in a worship service at what was then Southern Avenue Baptist Church, in Memphis, Tennessee, since relocated and renamed Ridgeway Baptist Church, during my Junior year, maybe my Senior Year, of high school.)

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. I’m like everyone else. I have sinned, I still sin, and I will keep on committing sins. But, because of sin I have become a Christian. “For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:17). I became a Christian at the age of ten in a revival. Yet, I knew that I wanted to accept Christ as my Savior when I was nine. For over a year I went to sleep at night with this burden on my heart. I wanted to accept Christ as my Savior but I was scared. I don’t really know what I was scared of—I guess it was going forward at the Invitation Time of a worship service in front of all the people. But, finally on the second night of a revival here at Southern Ave. [Baptist Church, now Ridgeway Baptist Church], we had a time of prayer prior to the revival service by age groups and my Sunday School Department Director, Fred Dyer, shared what one must do to be saved. I could not hold back any longer and that’s when I became a Christian. After the revival service that night, I shared at home with my parents that I had asked Christ into my heart. The next night, Wednesday night, April 4, 1962, I publicly professed my faith in Christ. I was baptized the following Sunday.

As time passed on my Christian life faltered. I went to church nearly every time the doors were opened, yet I wasn’t going to learn more about our Savior. Last August on the first morning of the youth revival I rededicated my life to the Lord. Again, I was scared to make this decision. I don’t why but I just was. But, I was the happiest human being alive when I finally made this decision. Then, last Christmas I thought for the first time what Christmas was really all about. Again, the first “For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved” comes to mind. Jesus was sent into this world to save us from our sins by being nailed to a cross. I felt I owed the Lord something in return, and last New Year’s Eve I gave my life to the Lord. I might add, I wasn’t scared this time.

Verses and Scriptures have greatly influenced my life but hymns have been just as big an influence also. “Just as I am without one plea but that thy blood was shed for me and that thou bidd’st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God I come, I come.” And, “I surrender all, I surrender all, all to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.” These two songs have greatly influenced me and in a way they really are my testimony. I am faced with many temptations and unfortunately at times I have yielded to temptation. But now, seven words have become the guide for my life seven days a week, “Where He leads me I will follow.”

I would be blessed to read your Salvation Story if you would put it in written form and send it to me at I plan to share some of those Salvation Stories on this blog, and may share yours if you give me permission. Blessings!


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